Comprehensive immune support formula, promoting healthy natural killer cells, macrophage, T-cells, and cell division.
90 capsules
Special Dietary Usefulness:
Under a physician’s direction, Transfer Factor Multi-Immune™ may have special dietary usefulness for individuals suffering from a weakened immune system.
Transfer Factor Multi-Immune™ is a daily use immune support product. For healthy people it promotes healthy NK cell levels, keeping bugs at bay. For immune compromised individuals, it assists the body in bringing NK cell levels to where they need to be for optimal health. As Transfer Factor works on the cellular immunity level (as opposed to humoral immunity), it does not stimulate the immune system. Transfer Factors act as chemical messengers to alert the body's naive T-cells to recognize any foreign bodies that maybe in the body.
Many doctors protocols include Transfer Factor Multi-Immune™ simultaneously with one or more of the targeted transfer factor products.
"Within a couple of days [of starting with Transfer Factor Multi-Immune], I felt so much better. I called Dr. Woeller to tell him how great I was feeling. I really believe in this product. I used to get bugs several times per month but not now. With the results I am getting, I just love it. To have my life back is awesome." --- R. Crystalbird
Each bottle provides a one month supply of the following complexes and health benefits:
NK Maximizer Bioplex™:
Proprietary super blend of transfer factor, larch arabinogalactan, IP-6, shiitake and maitake mushrooms which
· promotes healthy NK cell levels & immune modulation
· engulfs foreign particles in blood stream and tissues
· promotes metal chelation to prevent buildup of minerals which may weaken immune system
Macrophage & T-Cell Pro Blend™:
Proprietary blend of TMG, beta glucan, and astragulus which
· activates white blood cells known as macrophages and neutrophils
· provides one of the immune system’s first line of defense against foreign invaders
· removes cellular debris & speeds up recovery of damaged tissue
· promotes healthy T-cell function, cellular replication, and liver function
Healthy Cell GTP™:
Proprietary blend of potent green tea and pomegranate extracts which
· promotes healthy cell division
· triggers apoptosis in abnormal cells
· contains effective antioxidant properties
Key Nutrient Blend:
Folate, Vitamin B-12, Zinc, Selenium which:
· strengthen immune function
· promote normal cell growth
· boost antioxidant levels
Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement, take three capsules per day on an empty stomach (two hours after eating or one hour before eating) or as directed by your health care professional. Many doctors choose to increase dose to six or eight capsules per day for severely immune compromised patients).
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.