We will be posting updates and research in our blog weekly to help you make the better informed decision.
Other Uses of Semaglutide
Glenn Rothfeld | January 20, 2025
Imagine my surprise when, on my last doctor visit to check up on my Parkinson’s Disease, my doctor suggested a small dose of semaglutide (the ge...
Remember Your Multi!
Glenn Rothfeld | July 24, 2024
Multivitamins were in the news recently, and in a good way for a change. In a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and per...
Low Level Lasers and Pain
Glenn Rothfeld | July 16, 2024
Anyone who reads my columns knows that I'm generally anti-pharmaceutical drugs. Or at least, I consider drug therapy to be a very blunt instrument ...
EBO2 at Liquid Gold IV Bar
Glenn Rothfeld | July 15, 2024
We're So Excited to Share the News about EBO2! We at Liquid Gold IV Bar are excited to announce that we are now offering Extracorporeal Blood Oxy...
Best Seasonal Allergy Supplements
Glenn Rothfeld | April 04, 2024
Yup. It’s that time of the year again. Just like every year, it starts with a tickle in the nose. Then maybe your eyes itch, and your throat get...
Monolaurin – From Coconut To Wonder Drug
Glenn Rothfeld | March 12, 2024
By now, anyone who has seen me or read my columns knows that I'm in favor of healthy fats playing a big role in our diets. But I have a spe...
7 Best Immune Supplements
Glenn Rothfeld | November 16, 2023
Colder weather means more risk of sneezing, coughing, runny nose, fevers and just plain crud. Your immune system has to work harder than ever as we...
Glenn Rothfeld | September 21, 2023
As allergies flare and colds become common, people search for remedies for stuffy and irritated sinuses. One such remedy is a nasal spray called...
BPC-157, A Novel Peptide
Glenn Rothfeld | May 24, 2023
There is a lot of interest these days in peptide therapy, and for good reason. Peptides are chains of amino acids (protein building blocks), and oc...
Semaglutide: A Weight Loss Breakthrough?
Glenn Rothfeld | April 12, 2023
Anyone who reads medical news or follows Kim Kardashian on Twitter knows about the “miracle” weight loss shot that’s changing how people think of w...
Natural Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome
Glenn Rothfeld | February 15, 2023
Years ago, I noticed a curious thing: my wife kicked me during the night. Before you suggest that I deserved a good kick from her (I probably did...
Anxiety, Stress and the Gut
Glenn Rothfeld | February 15, 2023
How many of us have undergone an extreme stress, and described it as feeling like "a pit who among us has not in the stomach?" Who among us has not...
Vision and Botanical Medicine
Glenn Rothfeld | February 15, 2023
35 million Americans are at risk of never seeing the sunset again, never seeing their grandchild step up to the plate in the Little League game, an...
Lead Poisoning
Glenn Rothfeld | February 15, 2023
As crazy as our lives have been over the last two years, it is sad that some big news stories have been "missed" or quickly passed over by our majo...
Live Longer With Coffee
Glenn Rothfeld | January 06, 2023
Among the questions I got asked frequently in my practice was this: Is coffee bad for you? Like a lot of things in medicine, the answer isn’t simpl...