Lauricidin® is a natural, plant-based medium chain fat derived from lauric acid – embraced by both your immune system* and your digestive tract*.
Lauricidin® Original Monolaurin 8oz Jar
- 1 Jar is a 4-6 Week Supply
- 3000mg Monolaurin in a single teaspoon
- Health Professional-recommended and 100% Non-Toxic, Pure Nutrient, Lauricidin® is safe for your entire family.
- Lauricidin® is all-natural, free from potential drug interactions and coconut allergens.
- Our monolaurin is a natural, plant-based medium chain saturated fatty acid extracted from coconut oil that offers unique health-promoting properties*.
Lauricidin® May Help You Promote a Strong Immune Defense*.
Lauricidin® May Help You Support a Healthy Balance of Gut Bacteria*
Lauricidin® May Help You Maintain Healthy Levels of Yeast*
Lauricidin® May Help You Promote a Strong Skin Barrier*
LAURICIDIN® Recommended Intake
Do not chew, swallow with hot liquids, or mix/dissolve in liquid. Simply place contents of the scoop in mouth and wash down with cool water or juice with meals.
- Take Lauricidin® in small amounts until you reach your recommended intake level. This could mean starting as low as to 1 individual pellet 3 times daily to 1/4th scoop 3 times daily before working up to the adult intake of 1 scoop 3 times daily. Take daily much like a multi-vitamin.
- -Follow the directions of your healthcare provider if they differ from the general intake instructions below.
- Do not chew the pellets.
- Do not swallow with hot liquids.
Lauricidin® is a concentrated mini-pellet (~30 mg per pellet) of sn1 (3)-monolaurin. The size and shape of the mini pellets can vary.
Lauricidin® is nontoxic and safe for children and pets.
Lauricidin® is bioactive, the exact amount that you need for optimal health depends on your diet and genetic make up.
Children (3-10 years old) —- Do not chew pellets. To be taken with meals. The mini-pellets can be placed in the mouth and swallowed with water or juice. Do not take with hot liquids. For difficult situations try placing the pellets (whole or powdered) into applesauce, pudding, peanut butter, etc. For very young children it is best to start with 1-3 pellets/day for a several days before gradually increasing the amount.
The usual initial level of Lauricidin® is increased gradually to three times daily for a week or two.
The level can be further increased thereafter.
The maintenance level will depend on effects seen and adjusted accordingly.
Adults —– Take with or after meals. The mini-pellets can be placed in the mouth and swallowed with water or juice. Do not take with hot liquids. Do not chew or take as a powder. The recommended initial level of Lauricidin® is ~0.75 gram (1/4 blue scoop) or less two or three times daily for a week before increasing the amount.
The level can be then increased to 1.5 grams (1/2 blue scoop) one, two or three times daily thereafter.
A maintenance level can be 3.0 grams (one blue scoop) two or three times a day necessary for optimum health effects. In stubborn cases this may be increased. The length of time for taking the supplement is an individual response. Supplements need to be taken on a continuing basis for better health–much like vitamins.
Disclaimer – Information provided by Med-Chem Labs. about Lauricidin® or its use is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Any information given is only intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Prof. Dr. Jon J. Kabara and scientific world literature. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research of the subject and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
How much Lauricidin® should I take?
Recommended use instructions are provided with each order or specific recommendations may be made by your health provider.
“Low and slow”:
For individuals ages 12 and older, start with 1/4th of a teaspoon (1/4th of the blue scoop) two to three times a day with food, and slowly work up to 1 teaspoon (1 full blue scoop) two to three times a day with food.
We recommend not exceeding 12 teaspoons (12 full scoops) per day and always to start low and increase intake slowly.
Children three years and older may start with as low as 1-5 pellets and work up the intake more slowly.
Why should you not chew Lauricidin® or not take it with a warm liquid such as tea or coffee?
Lauricidin® is a pure lipid extract and has a natural bitter, soap-like taste to it. We recommend simply washing down the Lauricidin® pellets with cool water or juice which is associated with little to no taste.
Lauricidin® containers may contain varying levels of residual powder that may leave a very mild taste in the mouth that is not harmful.
Are there any side effects when taking Lauricidin®?
Lauricidin® is nontoxic. If starting levels are too high, a patient may experience short-term (a few days to a few weeks) exacerbation of mild symptoms such as headache, diarrhea, joint and muscle pain, body aches, acne, itchy skin, mild rashes, skin flushing, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea, or other symptoms. This mild and temporary response may be likened to what is known as a Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.
These symptoms are normal – and even healthy. Questions should be directed to your health professional and your intake level may need to be lessened.
Warning: Any serious symptoms such as cardiac irregularity; breathing difficulties; chest, lung or throat constriction; significant swelling; or other severe symptoms should be given immediate medical attention.
Can I take Lauricidin® if I have a coconut allergy?
Yes, Lauricidin® is the purified lipid extract from coconut oil and can be safely consumed by individuals with a coconut allergy.
Does Lauricidin® Contain Other Allergens, Additives or Excipients?
Lauricidin® is free of wheat (gluten), soy, dairy, or corn-derived ingredients. It is also free of salicylates and contains no animal-derived ingredients.
How long should I take Lauricidin®?
Lauricidin® is intended to be taken daily like a multi-vitamin for at least three-six months at the recommended intake to support general immune health* and overall wellness*.
Can Lauricidin® be used when pregnant or breastfeeding?
While Lauricidin® is nontoxic, it cannot be recommended to be taken under these circumstances. Studies have not been carried out for these conditions. You are always advised before taking any supplement to consult with your health professional when pregnant or breast-feeding.
What is the difference between Coconut Oil, Lauric Acid, and Lauricidin®?
Coconut oil is the edible oil harvested from the meat of mature coconuts (Cocos nucifera). 40-60% of coconut oil is comprised of the 12-carbon medium chain saturated fatty acid known as lauric acid, a triglyceride.
Lauricidin® is made by combining lauric acid from coconut oil with a plant-based glycerol (non-soy) creating a pure ester known as monolaurin, a monoglyceride.
How long until one may notice a difference while taking Lauricidin®?
Lauricidin® is intended to be taken for long-term support of general health and wellness and not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.
It may take a few weeks or months to work up to the maintenance intake of one teaspoon (1 full blue scoop) three times per day.
When taken on an ongoing basis, Lauricidin® may help support a strong immune defense*, support a natural balance of healthy bacteria*, and promote a healthy balance of yeast*.
How many grams of monolaurin are in one teaspoon (1 scoop) of Lauricidin®?
One teaspoon (one scoop) contains approximately 3g (3000mg) of monolaurin.
Can I Take Lauricidin® with Probiotics?
Yes, Lauricidin can be taken safely with probiotics.